Tuesday, July 26, 2005 Plame Leak: What Did Bush Know? Froomkin at Wash Post: "Now Fitzgerald's investigation appears to have turned its focus to discrepancies in the testimony of Rove and Libby. Fitz may be trying to determine whether evidence exists to bring perjury or obstruction of justice charges. And that raises the issue of what (if anything) Rove and Libby told Bush & Cheney about their roles. Yeah, but who cares what they told Bush & Cheney b/c these CIA clowns are unpatriotic and everyone knows that they are CIA anyway- well, if you're a GOP pyscho like Gary Schmitt then that complete crap is all true. Schmitt tries to destoy ex-CIAer Larry Johnson, who has defended Plame and ALL CIA operatives' right and need to remain undercover. Keep in mind that Schmitt's dismissal of Johnson as someone with a "pre-9/11 mindset" consists entirely of quotes gathered from Johnson's writings before 9/11 happened (July '01)- but that pesky lil fact will not stand in the way of a GOP maniacal argument, and Matt Yglesias of TPM pisses on Schmitt's weak rant. And hey, since we're conveniently forgetting those pesky things known as facts, let's forget that Plame's own neighbor had zero idea that she was CIA, and that Wilson was heralded as a hero in the GOP world before he dared to tell the WMD truth that pissed on W's war parade. ![]() |