Tuesday, July 19, 2005

If Iraqi Elections Rigged- US has Done This Before

My father's parents were Italian immigrants. In fact, my poppi became a naturalized US citizen when he was a young child, so lots of ties to Italy still exist to this day for my family. In 1945, Italy executed Il Duce, then publicly hanged (upside down) the corpses of Mussolini and his mistress so the crowds could beat the bodies w/sticks. After WWII ended, the formerly fascist Italy became a tender, new democracy. How did the US "ensure" US self interests in Europe? By stealing the Italian national elections of 1948. The US covertly pumped millions of dollars into the campaign and engaged in propaganda and dirty tricks, in order to stop communists and socialists from winning. Stealing the Italian elections of 1948 were just the tip of the US iceberg in the entire "denazification" process and the catalyst to "spread democracy and freedom" across Europe... sound familiar? Of course, this really didn't work, given that Italy is not a democracy (Italy is a democratically elected socialism) and Mussolini's socialist grand-daughter is a current member of Parliament. So, the moral of the story is this: No matter how hard the US tries, they cannot force another nation to become a democracy in our image.
Posted by Tina :: 12:47 AM :: 4 Comments:

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