Tuesday, June 21, 2005 Mandatory Mental Health Screens for Our Kids From Online Journal: Taxpayers better get out their checkbooks because school taxes are about to go up as the lawsuits against school boards start mounting over the TeenScreen depression survey being administered to children in the public schools. The scheme was concocted by the pharmaceutical industry and pushed forward by the Bush administration to screen the entire nation's public school population for mental illness and treat them with controversial anti-depression drugs. The connection between the pharmaceutical industry and Bush & the GOP runs DEEP (Bill Frist in 2002 tried to get drug company Eli Lilly legislative protection from all law suits). Think I made this stuff up? Have ya ever heard of the New Freedom Initiative? If not, you had better acquaint yourself w/it: It is a proposal to screen every American, including you, for mental illness. This screening is not elective, and it circumvents the long-cherished notion of parental consent before a medical or psychological test can be carried out on school children. EVERY parent in America needs to know this, and as for me and my baby girl... let one of those fuckers lay a hand on her mind or body. If they want to use religion to back up every immoral position they take, I can throw it right back at them and say that psychiatry is against our religion and that we will pray for her mental health, thank you very fucking much. What can they do then? Claim that I cannot practice my religion that they use like a crutch and wheelchair on every single issue when it suits them? ![]() |