Thursday, June 09, 2005 Dean is Correct: The GOP is White & Christian I praise Howard dean for having the balls to stand up and tell the truth: The GOP attacked Dean for saying in San Francisco on Monday, when asked about the lack of outreach to minorities by political parties, that Repubs are "pretty much a white, Christian party." The GOP response: Repubs accused Dean of trying to divide Americans by religion and faith. Rep. Eric Cantor of VA said this: "Howard Dean's games of division and hate." Dean is trying to divide Americans by religion & faith? Are you fucking kidding me? The GOP and Talibornagains want churches to recruit voters & STILL keep their tax exempt status. They want to flush separation of church & state and make this the United States of Jesusland. CNN reported last night that Dean was statistically correct: Repubs= 82% White Christian, Dems= 57% White Christians. Kerry won the non-White vote (70 to 30%) and the White non-Christian vote (66 to 33%). (pdf file here) Bush won over the White, evangelical, Protestant, and uber Catholic vote. As the population of non-Christians grows rapidly (I believe that the rabid Talibornagains are fueling this movement b/c people are scared of "Hateful & Bigoted Jesus") which Party do you think they will vote with? Hmm... the scary ass fundamentalists who hate eveyone except themselves and want the rich to only become richer on the backs of the middle class or the Democrats who embrace all minorities & sexual orientations, want the middle and working classes to survive and let ya still keep your dinosaurs and science-based sciences? As the non-white/non-Christian populations rise, how ever will the GOP & Talibornagains explain & cover-up stolen elections? You rock Howard Dean, and I'm happy to have you represent the Dems b/c you speak the truth... and I am a white Catholic girl. ![]() |