Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Canada Lawmakers OK Gay Marriage

Canada's House of Commons passed landmark legislation Tuesday to legalize gay marriage, granting same-sex couples legal rights equal to those in traditional unions between a man and a woman. Prime Minister Paul Martin said: "We are a nation of minorities. And in a nation of minorities, it is important that you don't cherry-pick rights." A Hope College professor and psychologist David Myers said research has shown strong marriages -heterosexual and homosexual- benefit society. Myers says: "Marriage contributes to flourishing lives ... and, therefore, we do need to work at it." My sentiments exactly... if any 2 consenting adults are in love and committed to each other and want to make their committment official, then I say "mazoltov" to a marriage. I love being married, I love being a wife- so who am I to deny that happiness to other people simply they are gay?
Posted by Tina :: 12:23 AM :: 4 Comments:

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