Monday, May 16, 2005

Neal Horsley:The Mule Consented to Sex

If you can believe this, Neal the Animal-Lover Horsley went back on Alan Colmes' radio show to "clarify" his man on mule sex confessions. (open mouth/ insert foot). Horsley said: You can be forgiven for the "naturalness" of beastiality because animals are dumb and have no feelings, but those involved in homsexuality should be put in prison. Read more here, b/c it is un- F-ing- believable & it would mean that Horsley should be in prison b/c he admits to having homosexual sex, and asking the 2 mistresses he impregnanted to have abortions... and he is an anti-abortion extremist who prints abortion clinic doctor's home addresses online and encourages violence against said docs. Oh the hypocrisy! God, please bitchslap these hypocritical freaks who commit these acts in Your name... please.
Posted by Tina :: 12:27 AM ::