Thursday, March 24, 2005 Who Left the Lunatics in Charge of the Asylum? This gem just showcases LAMEbaugh at his best... he's soooo intelligent it hurts: "If you put together a video of ANWR, you would see nothing but snow and rock. It is no place anybody's ever going to go. The wildlife that lives there wishes it didn't, but it's too stupid to figure out how to move anywhere. They don't have moving vans sent to their places like people in Philadelphia do when they want to get out of someplace. This is absolutely absurd." Wow. Do you think the caribou would fare well in FL? How about the polar bears? Do you think they'd love to soak up the rays in AZ ya F-ing retard? So now, wildlife is too stupid to change their surroundings... their surroundings that have been shaped by evolutionary forces over hundreds of thousands of years? Rush, you ass hat, it is not a fluke that Arctic animals are specifically designed to live in the Arctic... ya can't pick them up and drop them in the middle of Central Park and expect them to survive you moron! But I guess I shouldn't mention that blasphemous word evolution b/c IMAX Theaters have caved in to American Taliban pressure and decided to not show a scientific movie (in a SCIENCE MUSEUM... gasp!) about volcanoes b/c it mentions evolutionary forces. WTF? what is next for you people? The earth is flat? The stork brings babies in lil pink & blue blankies? I know, science is the realm of the devil, you ignorant inbreds. I only hope that my DNA wipes out their DNA & that a 1000 yrs from now, Evolutionary Darwinism has washed away their moronic existence. And how about this: Bush appointed a TROPHY HUNTER to be the Director of US Fish & Wildlife Service. WTF? That's a guy who makes the animal kingdom feel all warm & fuzzy, huh? ![]() |